Thursday, December 11, 2014

Flawless & Fierce Basic Cornrows

Plan your style. Having in mind what your end goal looks like will help you to form a path for getting there. You can do this in your head, draw a picture, or make some marks on a Styrofoam wig holder. The easiest amount to begin with will probably be four to six sections from the front to the back of the head. Draw the path you want the rows to take. Do you want them to go straight from front to back, or do you want them to curve? How big do you want the rows to be? 2 Wet the hair. Spritz some water, or water mixed with detangler, on the hair. Comb or brush it through to remove all major tangles. The hair should be slightly damp, but not too wet. The reason for this is that you don't want to have to pull the hair a lot to create the tension needed to hold the style together. Hair expands when it's wet and contracts as it dries. Despite what some people say about a tight braid, this is the best way to achieve it - not by pulling the hair hard away from the scalp. 3Part the hair. Start with a section of hair in the front, where you want the first cornrow to begin. Put the sides of the hair that you aren't braiding in two pigtails so they don't get in your way. Move other hair out of the way so that you have a clear path to follow. Then take a small section of hair where you want the cornrow to begin. Don't take too much, especially near the hairline, or you will have to pull too hard to continue. You can moisturize the first section with some cream. Keep moisturizing as you cornrow the hair Separate the first section into three strands. Make a normal braid of about 2 "stitches" to get it started. Pass the right piece under the middle, the left piece under the middle, the right piece under the middle, and the left piece under the middle. Start cornrowing. Holding the two outer strands aside, reach down under this initial braid to add a little hair to the middle strand. Fully merge this new hair to the middle strand so that it becomes a part of it, and you again have 3 strands. Make a braid stitch out of these strands. Continue braiding, each time adding a little more hair to the middle strand, and repeat this until you've run out of hair to add. If you've reach the end and there is still hair left over, then continue with a regular 3 strand braid. 4. Secure the cornrow. You can use a snap bead, hair clip, end bar, barrette, bolo tie tip, or whatever you like, just so long as you will be able to easily remove it later. Uncovered rubber bands (elastics) are not recommended unless they are the kind made specifically for hair. The ones made for office use will break off the hair. Start the next row. Loosen a section of hair next to the first section. Make sure it's the same size as the first section. Moisturize the new section of hair, then start the braid with two stitches. Cornrow the section all the way to the tips, then secure it. Finish cornrowing the rest of the hair. Work methodically to create even cornrows running from the forehead to the nape of the neck. The cornrows should each be the same size. Part 3 of 3: Taking Care of Cornrows 1Keep your cornrows neat at night. Wear a scarf on your head at night to keep the hairs from coming loose. Your cornrows should be able to stay in place for a week or longer. 2Wash your hair every few days. Simply wear a stocking cap over it, and use a shower massager or water pick to force water underneath the braids. Use a diluted shampoo and water mixture to wash, clear water to rinse, and spritz the hair with a leave in conditioner or hair oil afterwards. 3Be careful in the sun. It is very easy to get a sunburn on your scalp, because the rows will expose the skin. Rub in sunscreen or wear a hat.

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